
You will critically analyze, implement, and discuss various technical approaches for improving human-AI interaction through a series of assignments hosted on our custom interactive platforms.

Tips & Info

What do I do?

There will be a set of assignments that will be announced as the course progresses, including:

  • Detecting and mitigating AI bias
  • Can explanable AI really explain?
  • Visualize how AI works

Why do this?

Hands-on exercises, analysis, and reflection are a fun and effective way to learn.

How do I submit?

We'll create an assignment in KLMS for each assignment.

Late Policy

You'll lose 10% for each late day. Submissions will be accepted until three days after the deadline. After then you'll get 0 on that assignment.

Detecting and Mitigating AI Bias

Assignment 1: Detecting and Mitigating AI Bias

Due: 11:59pm on 3/30 (Tue)
10% toward your grade

What do I do?

It's a two-part assignment. First, you will use our interactive platform to explore, implement, and inspect methods for detecting, scoring, and mitigating AI bias. Second, you will reflect on your activities through answering a series of discussion questions below. We use KCLOUD to serve the interactive platform. You must use KAIST VPN to access the interactive platform. The guideline for setting up VPN can be found here. You need to have an account to turn on the VPN, which can be found here. After setting up the VPN, you should be able to access the interactive platform. This video describes (1) a brief overview of what this assignment is about and (2) how to use the interactive platform. Please make sure that you change your password immediately. Let us know if you have any questions or trouble.

Discussion Questions

Please answer the following questions after you complete the exploration and implementation through the platform above. Make sure to cite any external sources when you refer to examples, ideas, and quotes to support your arguments.

  1. Explore the raw tweets before proceeding any further. Any notable, interesting, or worrisome observations? We highly encourage you to attach specific examples and what observations you made about them.
  2. Let's say we released our logistic regression model trained with the given dataset without any debiasing technique to perform content moderation on the live Twitter platform.
    (1) Do you think it is socially, culturally, and ethically acceptable? Would there be any potential problems?
    (2) For the problems you identified, what would be potential solutions to mitigate them? Don’t limit yourself to technical solutions.
  3. The datasets are highly skewed. The dataset1 contains 77% of "Offensive" tweets, but the dataset2 contains 34% of "Hateful" tweets.
    (1) The way we construct a dataset significantly affects the distribution of labels. Why do you think such skew occurs in the datasets provided? Why are the distributions of labels different between the two datasets? You may want to refer to the data collection methods described in the paper (dataset1, dataset2).
    (2) How does the skewness need to be handled? Is it an ultimate goal to reduce such skew and balance all the labels? Then how can we determine whether the current dataset is balanced enough?
    (3) Let's say you are going to collect the dataset again to train the logistic regression model. How would you design the data collection pipeline? Explain the rationale.
  4. Do you think the pipeline we used to train the model (i.e., data preprocessing and the model selection) contributed to the biased result? If so, why do you think so? Note that we have used n-grams (n <= 3) as the vocabulary and TF-IDF as the feature.
  5. The trained logistic regression model performed pretty well with respect to the accuracy measure (in terms of weighted avg of F1-score), although it gives a racially biased prediction result. One might say that model performance was enough to be deployed and conclude that AAE is more hateful and abusive than SAE. Do you think this is a reasonable conclusion? If so, why? If not so, why? Please discuss your thoughts.
  6. Have you observed anything on the relationship between the model performance and bias measure, even if it is not significant in our assignment? If so, share your opinions on why such a relationship could exist.
  7. We explored two debiasing techniques, undersampling and post-processing.
    (1) Why do you think undersampling reduced a measure of bias? What are the cases it might not work well?
    (2) Why do you think post-processing reduced a measure of bias? What are the cases it might not work well?
  8. The bias score on the "Hateful" label increased whereas the score on "Offensive" decreased. Why do you think it happened? What do you think needs to be done to achieve improvements on the measures on both labels?
  9. Is debiasing always necessary? When do we need debiasing? Are there cases where debiasing might not be desired?

Any useful resources?

The following papers should be useful to get a sense of the background, methodology, and technical approaches we will be using.

What do I submit?

You need to submit two things: (1) code with your implementation and (2) answers to the discussion questions. You do not need to explicitly submit your code as the server keeps track of your latest implementation. Answers to the discussion questions need to be written as a report in PDF. We highly encourage you to use resources from your Jupyter Notebook such as code, figures, and statistical results to support your arguments in the discussion.


  • Task 1: Code for measuring the bias score (15%)
  • Task 2: Code for undersampling (15%)
  • Task 3: Code for Reject Option based Classification (ROC) (20%)
  • Discussion (50%): further broken down to the following components
    • Completeness (10%): Are all the questions are answered with enough substance?
    • Depth (10%): Include thoughtful analysis beyond surface level observations.
    • Clarity (10%): The reader who sees the example for the first time should not struggle to understand your points.
    • Visual Communication (10%): Use various resources such as numbers, figures, charts, external data, and statistics from the interactive platform to effectively to communicate your idea.
    • Conciseness (10%): Avoid being verbose in the description.
Please make sure to read the academic integrity and collaboration policy of this course carefully.

How do I submit?

Make a single PDF file of your report and submit via KLMS. Code is automatically stored on the server with your latest version.

Explaining Model Predictions to Users

Assignment 2. Explaining Model Predictions to Users

Due: 11:59pm on 5/6(Thu)
20% toward your grade

Learning Objectives

Explainable AI helps users understand and interpret predictions produced by models. The objective of this assignment is for you to try existing off-the-shelf tools for explanations, think about strengths and weaknesses of them, and design your own interactive user interface that provides user-centered explanations that can address such weaknesses.


You will work with methods for explaining model predictions in image classification tasks. Such explanations help users resolve questions around what’s happening inside of the model and why. As users explore these explanations, they may come up with additional questions about the model, which possibly requires other kinds of explanations. You must use KAIST VPN to access the interactive platform. The guideline for setting up VPN can be found here. You need to have an account to turn on the VPN, which can be found here. After setting up the VPN, you should be able to access the interactive platform.

What should I do?

In this assignment, you are asked to (1) explore Google’s What-If Tool, a platform that helps users understand the performance of models, (2) build and run an algorithm based on LIME for presenting which parts of an image contribute to the prediction for better interpretation of classification results, and (3) design a UI that further helps users interpret the results especially when such explanation is not enough. For each of the stages, you are asked to discuss what can be explained with such tools/methods, and limitations of such explanations. For (2), we are going to use our interactive platform that provides an environment for implementing the algorithm and applying your algorithm to images. You can easily organize the result of explanations to focus more on analyzing the limitations of the explanation algorithm without additional implementations for experimenting.


  1. Go to What-If Tool demo on a smile classification task. You can explore the dataset, browse the model performance, and experiment with the model by asking what-if questions to the tool.
  2. Answer questions in Discussion “Stage 1”. The discussion contains a specific task that you need to perform with the What-If tool.
  3. Finish an implementation of LIME algorithm on Jupyter notebook. We provide skeleton code (Assignment2.ipynb) that describes an algorithm that explains which parts of an image contribute to the prediction result. You need to fill out some blanks in the code with your implementation to make it work. The account is the same, which means that you need to use the password that you changed in assignment #1.
  4. Go to the interactive platform. Follow the steps below.
    1. Analyze the LIME algorithm
    2. Upload images.
    3. Get the classification labels from the inception v3 model.
    4. Get the explanations that your implementation provides.
    5. Annotate whether the explanation makes sense or not.
    6. Browse the summary of results organized by your annotations.
    7. Design an interactive UI
    8. Describe the limitations of the LIME algorithm and share your ideas about how to overcome the limitations.
    9. Create a prototype UI that captures your ideas in step f. with Figma.
  5. Answer questions in Discussion Stage 2 and 3.


Stage 1. (What-If Tool)

What-If Tool consists of three tabs: Datapoint editor, Performance & Fairness, and Features. Each tab represents different aspects of the model and results.

Datapoint editor tab
  • 1-1. Choose an image on the right plane, and modify a feature value on the left. What happens? How can the Datapoint editor be used as an explanation? Do you have any interesting observations?
  • 1-2. You can set X-Axis, Y-Axis, Color By, and others on the top bar. Fix X-Axis to “Inference correct” and explore the visualization updates by changing other dimensions. What happens? How can this be used as an explanation? Do you have any interesting observations? You can try various combinations and explore how the visualization updates.
Performance & Fairness tab
  • 1-3. It shows the overall performance of the model. How can this be used as an explanation? Do you have any interesting observations?
  • 1-4. In the Configure tab on the left, fix “Ground Truth Feature” to “Smiling” and select a feature on “Slice By”. What happens? How can this be used as an explanation? Do you have any interesting observations?
Strength and Limitation of the tool
  • 1-5. What are the strengths of this tool as an explanation?
  • 1-6. What are the weaknesses of this tool as an explanation?

Stage 2. (LIME explainer)

  • 2-1. Upload at least five images with the same category and get the explanation. Compare how different relevant features each image has. Attach code and images if necessary.
  • 2-2. How does the generated explanation, which presents a set of important superpixels, help users understand the model predictions? Does it complement performance measures such as accuracy and F1-score? If so, how?
  • 2-3. In Activity 2, did you find any image for which the algorithm does not give an explanation that is easy to understand for users? Why do you think the algorithm gives such an explanation?
  • 2-4. Is our explanation sufficient to trust the model predictions? When is it sufficient? When is it not sufficient? What kinds of additional information would you include in your explanation?
  • 2-5. Are explanations always necessary in order to understand the model performance? When do users need it? When do users not need it?

Stage 3. (Figma prototype)

  • 3-1. List a few representative questions that your UI can possibly answer. Show us a walkthrough of how to resolve the questions. Please add representative screenshots of your UI.

Any useful resources?

The following resources should be useful for you in getting a sense of the background, methodology, and technical approaches we will be using.

  1. What-If Tool:
  2. Ribeiro et al., “"Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier”, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. 2016.

What do I submit?

You only need to submit a .pdf file that answers the discussion questions. We highly encourage you to use resources such as code, figures, and statistical results to support your arguments in the discussion. Note that you do not need to explicitly submit your implementations, description of limitations of LIME algorithm, and prototype of interactive UI as they are automatically stored in the server.


  • LIME Implementation (50%)
    • Task 1: Code for creating perturbed data (20%)
    • Task 2: Code for fitting a linear model (15%)
    • Task 3: Code for feature selection (15%)
  • Discussion (50%): further broken down to the following components
    • Completeness (10%): Are all the questions are answered with enough substance?
    • Depth (10%): Include thoughtful analysis beyond surface level observations.
    • Clarity (10%): The reader who sees the example for the first time should not struggle to understand your points.
    • Visual Communication (10%): Use various resources such as numbers, figures, charts, external data, and statistics from the Google What-If Tool and the Colab code to effectively communicate your idea.
    • Conciseness (10%): Avoid being verbose in the description.
Please make sure to read the academic integrity and collaboration policy of this course carefully.

How do I submit?

Submit your report (a PDF file) via KLMS.